July 17, 2005


EEK! Thats a huge fucking snake aint it. A friend sent it to my email. Some of you may have seen it already, as i've used it as my MSN avatar. In fact, a few female friends have refused to talk to me until i change my avatar picture. hahaha,which is silly actually, seeing how they can easily just turn off my avatar picture from their end.

Has anyone actually seen a snake this big move? I wonder. Perhaps no one "alive" has. You would think that something this big would a slow ponderous creature. Quite the opposite infact. Theyre freaking fast. It would be an unnatural sight to see this giant slithering away or even worse,slithering towards you fast!

One things for sure, i know no one would ever wanna be eaten by a snake. Slow and painful. They wrap themselves around you and crush every single bone in your body, and swallow you head first. Thats more horrifying that any horror movie.

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