September 29, 2007

What utter nonsense Mr.Badawi

I was reading the Star article's report on our dear PM's speech to the United Nations, and 2 important issues were brought up. I fully commend our PM for bringing up these issues, as they are global issues and affect everyone of any sex, race, colour and nationality.

“The course of human history is marked by a few pivotal moments, during which we can make the correct or wrong decisions that will impact on the destinies of those who come after us,” Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said.

How right you are sir! That is truly an inspirational statement!

The first issue brought up was of the environment:

“The 2007 Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has made it clear that the scale and urgency of the challenge is greater than we had thought and feared.”

Indeed. Its so obvious that here in Malaysia itself, the climate has changed to a point where the weather is so unpredicatable. Expect it to start snowing in about 5 years time. Nyeh.

“This is an important additional reason why the principle of differentiated responsibilities must apply, so that developing countries can maintain their capacities for sustainable development.”

Understandable, especially for third world nations . I just hope you're not putting that in so that your country won't get slammed for violating countless environmental laws.

Furthermore, why go preaching to other countries about cleaning up the environment? What are you doing in your own country? Don't even bring up that ruckus about cleaning up the pigs. Thats not even close to the issue of whats happening to the environment. My question to you sir is:

  1. What is being done about excessive smoke emissions from vehicles and factories? Why has it become the norm to see busses and lorries spewing black smoke from their exhausts everywhere?
  2. Is the natural environment, e.g forests, trees; being sacrified to make way for more houses, buildings and city's? I know everyone dreams of having their own homes, but at what cost? If everyone continues to WANT to have their own HOUSE with their own compound so they can breed MORE children who will grow up to want their OWN HOUSE, where will it end? Only when there is no more land to build on will we stop and say, 'Well now, we really shouldn't have done that, should we?'
  3. What is being done to promote recycling aggresively? Why don't you make laws to make recycling a mandatory exercise? I would look at Germany as an example of how it can be done. The people there have to split their garbage into 3 different types; paper, plastic and glass. Their garbage trucks are equipped to handle this. How neat! Furthermore, you should make it mandatory to have proper recycling amenities at all new housing developement projects. Make these easily available to the people, and people will use it.

Mr.Badawi next brought up the issue of Islam, which is growing distant from the western world:

“The problem of Palestine, which has been festering for 60 years, tops the list of grievances which the Islamic world holds against the West.”

The Palestine issue is something BOTH sides need to be held accountable, not only the Western world. No doubt, Israel is a biatch, and the Americans are bigger biatch for supporting them, but there can never be any resolution if BOTH sides continue to fester the idea of 'an eye for an eye'. You kill my son, i kill your son. The bloodshed will never end this way.

“On their part, Muslims have a responsibility to present to the world the true face of Islam. It must be made clear to all that Islam is a religion which abhors conflicts, more so between Muslims,” he said.

He also said that Malaysia supported various international efforts to hold dialogues that made it clear that Islam was a religion that espoused universalism not exclusivity, tolerance not bigotry.


Sure, muslims around the world have that responsibily, just not the muslims in YOUR government eh?

Exclusivity AND bigotry are exactly what Islam is espoused as in this country sir. In fact, your foreign minister recently reinforced this fact :

Dato Seri Syed Hamid Albar:
You know, if you follow a certain religion, like you are a member of a certain club, you are subject to certain rules.

What do you call the indiscriminate demolition of Hindu temples, temples that were around BEFORE merdeka? Is that not intolerance or bigotry? Why did a church take 20++ years to build in Shah Alam? Why is it mandatory to convert to Islam to marry another muslim? Lina Joy.

Bleh. Sometimes i just give up with all this double standards of government politicians.

Anyone care to disagree with anything i've said? I don't proclaim to be a know it all or have the facts, so i'll gladly retake anything i've said if proven wrong.


VHanded Cheepeng said...

Yea, brother, you know what? I sick of this country. When people ask me, you love your country, definitely I will say, YES! But at the back, feel so disappointed with the current situation. Something must be cancel out like NEP, but they didn't, they just rely too much on that wheel chair until they don't know how to crawl! They just too coward to open up the competition to develop this country to other non-Bumiputra, which is also Malaysian.

I found ridiculous when Dato Seri Syed Hamid Albar said that religion is a club. Which club restrict their members cannot join 2 clubs! And religion as a powerful spirit support can never be describe as a club, unless he took his own religion as a club and friday as Member Day... Fuck off to all pig who rely on electtical wheel chair....

Anonymous said...

now now..why do we need to care bout the environment issue in Malaysia? all we need to do is build more houses and highways and tolls..

then the government would cry that they have insufficient fund to do all the campaign and stuffs because they overspend on buying useless things with an absurb over-price..

and Syed Hamid Albar said, Malaysia is an Islamic country..that's why, they do it the Islamic way..want to marry a Muslim.? just convert it like you convert RM to USD..but from a Muslim to others (Christianity, Buddhist,Hindu), you have to be tolerant..Islam come first after all..

that's why i'm a convert no anything..i got my own currency..LOL