September 14, 2007

Stupid Malaysians should die!

52 people died on Dec 26 2004 when a tsunami hit the shores of Penang. It was a calamity waiting to happen, as there was no early warning system of any kind to warn the public. It was a tragedy, no doubt about that. These people did not deserve their fate.

Fast forward to 2007, and despite WARNINGS to stay away from the coastal areas, some dumbass idiots insisted at camping their fat behinds right smack ON the coastal area to watch for incoming tsunami's.

When you know a tsunami might come, but you still find time to watch it coming
(photo courtesy: thestar online)


Vad3r said...

Orang Penang tarak belajar hor??

jibon007 said...

Think they fedup their life already...
and the same time they got buy insuran banyak if anything happen..their spouse then got money lohh....
cover everything...job done!

Anonymous said...

i think they just got no brain

::Lord Apprentice:: said...

vad3r: hahaha..yea man

jibon007: you must be an insurance agent, to think of that story! :)

anonymous: i think they have a brain, just not making us of it eh? I guess its also sorta like not having a brain la

The Malaysian Life said...

LOL. I suppose they wanted to watch the tsunami "live".

They should wait for it in Batu Feringgi - more romantic ? LOL

::Lord Apprentice:: said...

hahahaha...something like that probably sounds normal in the head of a stupid person eh..watching tsunami live..