March 06, 2006

I miss the beach!

Nothing beats having a great vacation away in some strange island. Ok, well, it wasnt so strange, but as a person commonly referred to as 'city-folk', the beach certainly was a strange sight. I could almost hear the locals muttering "..damned city folk, always getting drunk and pissing on our doors.."

I think we were one of the better rowdy city folk to pass by. Yes, we managed to get by a whole weekend without pissing on anyone's door and generally, without pissing off the locals.

Sad to say, we didnt get much pictures. We only got a couple rounds off in the room on that night we arrived. The camera man had this brilliant idea to bring his camera along in his not so water proof bag the next morning when we went snorkelling. What briliant young minds we have these days! Hehe..

Anyways, we left KL around 2.30pm. Met up in a friends house and made our way. We took 2 cars, it was just nice, 4 people in each. Actually, my car had an extra passenger....the 'cold-man'. He was stocked with a crate of beer. You're probably thinking we're a couple of alcoholic bastards. You are so wrong. We are worse than that.

Well, as in most cases involving beer...and ermm...more beer, we had to piss a lot. Thankfully we took the old 'scenic' route, via Sabak Bernam, so we didnt have to endure many speeding lorries. Trying to take a piss when there a speeding lorry passing by is like trying to spit into the sky and expecting it to continue going up.

This old route was a refreshing change from the Plus highway. I was reminded of the times BEFORE we had the North South highway, passing through padi fields and rubber estates, sitting in the back seat with my brother, while my mum sat infront and my dad drove. Good memories those....

Well, fast forward to reality...and well, needless to say, i had loads of fun in the car, talking crap, listening to music and talking more crap. We arrived a couple hours later at the jetty, quite tipsy. By then, we had finished another crate as well.

It felt like homecoming for me, just to get on the ferry and be moving on water. 70% of our bodies is made up of water. 70% of the entire world is made up of water. Make of it what you will, just a coincedence or not....i think its not, even though i've got this insane fear of drowning.

The lodging we stayed at wasnt exactly what i pictured. I was kinda expecting a chalet thats parked right on the beach. I wanted to get up in the morning and feel the cool sea breeze in my pants. Its better than scratching.

But alas, we got this room in this building filled with rooms. Its not a flat, it aint no apartment either. More like a a house. Gopi was pretty dissapointed, as the agent that he booked the place through promised it was facing the sea. Well, it was a half-truth, as the building was facing the sea, but not our room.

Anyways, it was a minor technicality, and just to erase any ill feelings, we opened up the 1 liter Chivas, and put on some music. Had some good stuff too....and we saw Bob Marley. We would have prefered to hit the beach (even though it was around 9pm by then), but it kinda rained. Fuck. Slept off around 6am...

Woke up bright and stoned around 9am i think. Hmm..or was it 11 am. Well, couldnt be bothered about the time when i was there. Was totally disconnected from the world. No tv, no news papers, damned Digi had no reception too. Only maxis.

Well, as i was saying...we hit the beach. The water wasnt friggin clear, but it wasnt too bad. Better than langkawi for sure. Got ourselves prepared for some snorkeling. I was scared, but excited! I can't swim for nuts. Before we reached the snorkeling spot, the guide took us to this spot..somewhere in the middle of nowhere....and it was freaking shallow! We could get off the boat and stand and the water levels couldn't even reach my waist. He picked a sea-urchin and warned us about it. Them spikes go right through the foot. He also showed us this sea cucumber. It was kinda gross to hold it, and it had this little hole at the end. Apparently, thats its mouth, as well as its ass. Gives new meaning to the term 'Talking outta ya ass', eh? The lil bugger managed to squirt us before we could let it go.

The guide dropped us off at a nearby island, and would promptly be back in about an hours time. We got off (with the 'cold-man'), found a spot to park our stuff...and headed into the water.

I never quite got what the whole big deal was with snorkeling. So, you get to see little fishies swim around. Isnt that what the aquarium is for? Granted, the aquarium can't quite fit a human being, but so what, its just little fishies swimming much fun can that be to watch?

I say this, to all ye disbelieving un-snorkellers! It is fucking fun to watch little fishies swim around!


There's nothing quite like invading a domain thats alien to you and trying to make toys of the natives. And they're quite fast too, lil buggers, i'll get ya next round!

A word of caution though, them corals can be really sharp! The palms of my hand look like they've been to war. It still hurts now too. I dont think anyone of us escaped without loosing some blood. Thankfully there werent any sharks around... . Even though the pain, it was worth every minute in the water.

Next up...Banana boat! The guide gave us quite a scare, telling us shit like " Kalau you jatuh, you boleh naik atas tak?" and more shit like how the water is very deep. He was basically telling this to one of the girls that came on the trip with us....and she was...erm..big boned. As it turned out, the bastard didnt drop us anywhere deep. We suspect he talked shit like that just to get us spooked. Well, he was good. We did.

There was a point in the beginning when we got on the banana boat without any life jackets. We ALL got seriously fucked, thinking the bastard had forgotten. I tell you, with my insane fear of drowning, i was mind fucked! Thankfully he turned back and passed us some life jackets. I'm sure he was snickering to himself, hearing a bunch of scared drunk fuckers on a colourful elongated balloon shouting for life jackets. I would.

To top it off, i have some moronic friends who thought it would be fun to jump the asses up and down on the Banana Boat. Needless to say, the movement generated from their constant ass movements quickly caused involuntary ass movements throughout the rest of the boat. I wonder how we looked like from a distance. Jumping Frogs? It was amazing no one was thrown off before we actually reach the spot. Still, awesome fun. Fun. Fun. Fun.

Settled down for the day. Lazed on the beach, had a couple more beers. Enjoyed the scenery. Chatted with the local beach dudes. They organize most of the water sports and stuff over there. Talked crap and went to rest. Was supposed to come back kayaking, but somehow we all just ended up sleeping.

Woke up later at night, and proceeded to gleefully stuff our faces with food. The prices are around the same, but fucking hell...the food over there taste awesome. We even had some cendol when we were on the main-land, and it the most fucklicous cendol i've ever had in my life.

We went walking on the beach, and there were all these tiny lights in the water. I thought perhaps the local wildlife had been exposed to some radiation or something, but no, apparently, its some 'kutu air'. I wouldnt know, it would be the first time i'm seeing so many glowing dots on the beach.

Later on, we settled down near a bench facing the sea. Had a Passport, a couple of joints...some beers too. Next morning one of the beach dudes asked me if we celebrated 'Tahun Baru'. I said we celebrate 'Tahun Baru' every day. Good one Nimal.

Played football on the beach too, that very night...drunk and stoned. We probably scared some of the people who came fishing. They kinda dissapeared after a few minutes. Oh well, more space for us to kick a rubber ball! As only 4 of us were still standing at that time, we created a dumb ass game. The goal is a round circle with a little mountain in the middle. The object of the game is to Score. Duh. And so we played and played our little dumb ass game. And, it was Fun. Fun. Fun. Fun.

Finished our drinks, cleaned up the place and went back to sleep, with everyone agreeing to wake up bright and early to go kayaking. As usual, the waking up early never happened. Got up around 11am, about an hour before checkout time. Great. And I had a killer sorethroat when i woke up.

3 of the dudes decided to go for one last swim. Me and Beez kinda woke up a few minutes later..still groggy and half asleep. Beez went to check out the beach. I kinda hanged back, thought of taking a bath and getting ready before those buffalo's come back. But when Beez came back, he said they had gone kayaking, so we thought for a while, then just "ok, fuck it, cause we wont be coming back anytime soon" and went along.

Kayaking sure sounds easy. I think after all that kayaking we did, my triceps grew to the size of Beyonce's thighs. To top it off, i had a buffalo of a friend sitting behind me who just nicely watched me kayak like a man posessed, while he sat there tapping the water. Haha! The bastard!!

Well, we kayaked to a nearbly island, swam around for a while, and then kayaked AROUND the island. Fucking hell. I have useless friends who suggest the most moronic things to do..and then actually do it. Who da fuck kayaks around a friggin island!?!? But, it was Fun. Fun. Fun. Fun. Fucking tiring, but fun.

All in all, it was a great trip. Had fun all the way. Was wasted and tired out by the time we reached home. I don't think we regretted anything during the whole trip. Ahhh....

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