November 02, 2005

The problem with Malaysia, is we have idiots like this

I apologize mahaguru58, but i think you need to grow up a little.

What kinda religious tolerance are you trying to preach, if you complain about Muslims converting to Christians?

Discovered about this so-called mahaguru from this blog. Ah, blogs, so much information out there. Im loving my blogging experience more and more each day. Does anyone else think that blogs are the greatest man made invention since the telephone? I do.


WY said...

Hi. I found mahaguru's blog from your entry. Thanks. I posted a response to him.

I believe that you should embrace the fact that there are people like him out there..and the best we can do is to enligthen them.



::Lord Apprentice:: said...

Yes, i agree with ya. I've posted my bits of enlightenment on his blog too.

MAHAGURU58 said...

Easy to call someone an idiot behind their back yet expecting yours truly to just smile and welcome you to my blog with a red carpet eh mr 'lord apprentice'?
Did Jesus teach you that?
Eesa alaihis salam was sent to the Jews yet here you are claiming to be his apprentice yet go around calling me names when I am just posting in my blog what I feel.
Respect begets respect wise.
Stop the idiotic name calling. Speak your mind , wisely and in a more appropriate manner. It's better that way , don't you agree?
No one's perfect, none save God Almighty!