November 08, 2005

Caption Me!

Yes folks, im opening up myself (not ala flasher style, but simply figuratively speaking) to some free shots here. SO, what do think im saying or thinking that gave me that awesome chick-magnet look?

Personally, i think thats how i look during an orgasm. hah!


Anonymous said...

for no reason i've been following up on your blog and this is by far the silliest thing you've done. :)

sangy said...

you've lost it !!!!

::Lord Apprentice:: said...

wow, someone actually follows up on my blog! and for no apparent reason!! That kinda news just soothes the ego..

hmm..and oh, you guys really suck at this caption thing eh? hahaha..

CAPTION: " i wonder why thought bubbles are coming out of my mouth..hmmm"

Bernard Yong said...

CAPTION : I Love Yit Hoay. Me and him and bossom buddies! (meaning we play with each others bossoms)

::Lord Apprentice:: said...

dude..thats grossssssssssssssss.... yit hoay?? u blady smelly chapati.

Anonymous said...

Eeewww.... G R O S S !

::Lord Apprentice:: said...

Dun lie, DONTCHA wish you had a man that looked just like that..DONTCHA!