October 30, 2005

Remote Controls and Circumcisions

Circumcision reduces risk of HIV

Was just reading an interesting article in Science News, about how circumcision can decrease the risk of contracting HIV.

Apparently, there are special type of cells on the foreskin called Langerhan's cells, and these cells are easily infected by HIV. Thus, circumcision removes a large number of these cells, and while healing, the remaining skin around the penis toughens and reduces the risk of HIV infecting the cells.

As for me personally, i think i'll just stick to condoms.

Remote controlled people.

The folks over at NTT (Nippon Telephone and Telegraph Co) have developed this headset, which allows the person wearing it to be controlled via remote control. Full article here.

Now, its not total control, like with a push of a button the controller can make you strip and do the funky chicken.

Basically, they can more or less control your basic movements, like walking left or right. These nice folks at NTT claim to be able to move people around in a shape of a giant 'pretzel'.

This technology is called 'galvanic vestibular stimulation', and it works by sending electricity through delicate nerves within the ear.

The possible applications for this technology is endless, from enhaning music, gaming to creating forms of non-lethal military weapons.


Anonymous said...

hmm.. i tot langerhans cells are found in white blood cells that help fight against bacteria and virus. haha.. scientists and their stands :)

NickTay said...

wow..thats news to me.

::Lord Apprentice:: said...

alex: this is the first im hearing of langerhan, so i simply assume that em scientist know what theyre talking about. :)

nick: yeap..i was just as 'wow'-ed when i was reading it.