October 30, 2005

Bittorrent user jailed!

I was suprised to read that in Hong Kong, a bittorrent user was jailed for sharing files, specificly 3 movies

  1. Miss Congeniality
  2. Red Planet
  3. Daredevil
Now, i readily admit that sharing movies such as these is piracy. So no doubt that the person, if he indeed was sharing these files, is guilty of nothing more than piracy. But to sentence this person to jail of up to 4 years? Oh come on. Its ridiculous. I pity this guy.

Shouldnt we save space in the jails for people who are actual criminals and can cause harm to other people? Like rapists, murderers etc.

The only harm i see is that less money gets dumped in Hollywood because of piracy. Really now, is that such a heinous criminal act?

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