October 07, 2005

Just a weird thought...but...hmmm

Using genes resurrected from the 1918 Spanish influenza virus, the virus responsible for a pandemic that killed an estimated 20 million people, scientists have gathered important new clues to why the virus spread quickly and killed efficiently. Adding the genes to a comparatively benign strain of influenza (pictured), shows that a minor genetic change can turn a mild form of the virus into a highly virulent strain. (Science Daily, Photo courtesy of Yoshihiro Kawaoka, University of Wisconsin-Madison; )

As i was reading the full article, a weird thought occured.

What if, this very scientiests that have re-created this virus, are the ones that ultimately somehow accidentally release this virus to the world and kill millions? I certainly hope that they are using more than FAB to clean their hands and equipment..hehe.

Maybe i;ve just been watching WAAAAY too many sci-fi shows. I hope for all our sakes its just the sci-fi show.

Have a very merry 'infectious' day!

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