October 06, 2005

In America

It has taken me too long to write this review, because this movie deserved much better. Bottom line, i give this movie --> 2/10 yawns

In case you're scratching your head wondering what that means, scratch no more. Basically its a damned good movie. The more the yawns, the suckier the movie.

My bro's girl recommended this movie to us, so many thanks to her for introducing this movie which i have never heard of in my entire life, and probably wont even be able to find in our local DVD stores.

The story revolves around an Irish family that is moving into America to escape a past tragedy and start a new. They arent a wealthy family , and have to start from the bottom. Though they have nothing, its heart warming to see the relationship between each member, the dad, the mum, and 2 little daughters.

It is the youngest daughter and the dad that really are the stars of the show. You feel for them.

Needles to say, this movie is emotional. Get your tissue paper ready.

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