September 28, 2005

The Machinist

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The Machinist aka Batman aka Christian Bale

After the success of the most recent Batman, a lot of attention came to Christian Bale, the man who played Batman. This movie i just watched, called The Machinist was mentioned as one of the best movies under his belt.

Apparently, he lost about 60 pounds just to make this movie. Scary!

The movie isnt amazing or anything, but its a good movie nonetheless. The story keeps you guessing, but at the end of it all, it makes you go " Ohhhhhhhhh", as in everything falls into place and you have a general idea what you just saw for the past 2 hours.

Its a movie with a moral ending. Go watch it. On a scale of yawning, i would give this 3.865 yawns out of 10. (Spiderman 2 gets -5 yawns out of 10)


Bernard Yong said...

Wow, that dude in the picture looks thinner than Yit Hoay!

::Lord Apprentice:: said...

yeap..and yit hoay himself was scary. But i think Yit Hoay was scary because i always thought he was an alien with his over-enlarged head.

hey, cmon, cant blame me man...X-Files was the shiznit back then.

Anonymous said...

Christian Bale in The Machinist freaked me out. but definitely kudos to him for pulling it off.

Anonymous said...

oh, and kudos to you for watching it

::Lord Apprentice:: said...

Yeap. That picture of him is freaky. Bale's batman and machinist is such a huge difference in physical appearce. I dont think i've heard of any other actor doing this.

and kudos to you for spamming my blog with the word 'kudos'! haha..not many ppl still use that word...kudos!

And it wasnt hard to watch. You'll understand next time when you're at work and have nothing to do. Watch movie lah! haha