August 19, 2005

The backbone of my existense

I have 2 spines.
From 2, 2 more arise.
Now we are a backbone.
A backbone for our existense.

Time times Time,
The 2 become their own.
2 become not, and seek to wither in comfort.
We seek to expand our spines.

Lest we forget the firsts.
Our backbones hold together.
Their purpose.
Their goal.
My bone seeks to hold the broken first.

What is it like to live in a cage of your mind? What is it like to never know outside the cage inside your mind? Everywhere you turn you see the same bars that bind your cage. There is no door. There is no lock to pick. Just 4 sides to the cage. A top and a bottom. The cage is empty, filled with nothing but fragments of what was once your life. The present flies at the speed of sound. Nothing but the past for company. You hear familliar voices briefly, showing you the way out, but as soon as you turn to face the sound, it dissapears and you stare at the same bars you've stared at at least 4,012,000 times before.

What is it like to see a person stuck in their cage of their mind. A cage they created themselves, but with the help of others. Who do we blame? Who do we look for to seek pity because we see these person? Looking for pity helps this person not a bit. What do we knowing that the cage can never be open? What do we knowing that the cage has no locks?

What do we do knowing that the cage will only get smaller and smaller and smaller and.......

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