May 16, 2005

I've got a seat at the Premier!

Oh yeah, i've got a seat at the premier tomorrow at midvalley, at 8.30pm. Thank you thank you my friend at I shall visit the website at least 3 more times to bring the grand total of visits to that stupid site = 5!!!

Everyone else, kiss my ass, cuz you lip-print is the closest you'll get to watching it at the premier! Hahaha!

My only worry is that i hope i get to get off work a bit early (i finish work at 8pm), to make it to midvalley in time.

She couldnt get anymore apparently, else more of my friends wil come. I will deffinately be watching it again with them, so no biggie, unless they are all emo like some ppl i know that refuse to watch a movie with me because i've already watched, and even thought I want to watch it again. geez.

anyway, where was i? Oh yeah, you were supposed to be kissing my ass! ahahahha. I'm getting rather cocky over this arent i? So what, i'm a cocky son-of-a-bitch. You cant do shit. This is my world, and i'm the cocky son of a bitch king!

*evil Star Wars music plays in the background**laughs hysterically*


::Lord Apprentice:: said...

Jealousy is the trait of the Dark Side. Beware the path you are on, it will lead you to much suffering and naked girls.

SinfullySweet said...

emo? hmm wonder who? well if u do care u would actually buy tickets and make that fren come or at least promise ur fren that u want to go with he/she n not just say "I" want to watch it bout no emotions!