July 06, 2006

What the hell happened to common sense?

A mother takes her kids to the railway track, to wait for a train to come screaming into their bodies and extinguish all signs of life.

Why a mother would do such a thing is beyond my understanding. This action is nothing to do with love. Why punish innocent children? Anyways, i don't think anyone will truly know what happen, no matter what the papers say. This woman is going to burn in hell for her actions.

Its a small miracle that 2 of her kids survived, but theyre under intensive care . I fear that they may be scarred for life after this. How does one have a normal childhood? I hope and i pray that the right people will be around them to guide them through this.

Oh Mr.Smarty pants politician

Datuk G. Palanivel suggested that our censorship board should cut out all scenes depicting suicide. Apparently, he is concerned that these scenes are turning into real life tragedies, as what has happened here.

Yay, way to go Datuk G. You've certainly got a knack at this politics stuff. You know, the stuff about just saying stupid random things which involves you doing nothing and someone else doing something. How typical.

As a human being, i'd be less worried about movies, and more worried about the lack of intelligence and common sense in people these days. Are these people not getting enough education? To simply blame our problems on the movies seems like a good way of actually avoiding the problem.

You tok so big

Yea, so what would i do? Well, i for one, would do something about the damned education system. I'd revamp it to actually encourage people to think for themselves, to consider the consequences of their actions. You're probably going, "thats a swell idea boy, but what should encompass this revamped education system, that actually encourages students to think, and not to cheat like the Portugese World Cup team?".

Well, i don't know. If i did have all the answers, i wouldn't be here rambling. I'd be sitting upon some mountain and charging people by the hour for the hour for insights into my thinking and wisdom.

However, what i would do, is gather all the greatest minds, the best teachers, the most gifted students in this country and brain storm the issue. Great things happen when great minds are put together for a common goal. But this will never happen in a million years. Its pure wishful thinking on my part, to ever imagine that people in this day and age, especially those who have the power to do things like this with a snap of their fingers, will actually give a rats ass.

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