June 02, 2006

Its friday night, and i'm back in the office

I try to not to remind myself that its the weekend. However, i do try to remind myself that such acts of selflessness for the 'company' should enable me to get a kickass salary....i hope. At least give me a freakin' BMW.

Itenary of the night:

1. Install patches
2. Reboot
3. Install upgrades
4. Migrate data
5. Play games in the office while awaiting completion
6. Reboot
7. Testing

The highlight of the evening is off course, the action packed reboots. These events are filled with fear, anxiety, excitement and pure unadulterated joy.

Fear & Anxiety, this happens after clicking the reboot button, and praying that the server comes back to me

Excitement & Pure Unadulterated Joy, well, this feeling overwhelms me when i do see the server login screen. Hallelujah! Whenever there is a successful server reboot, we adorn network cables of different colour, turn off the lights, and dance around an overlit monitor. Then we all chant in geek terminology, "Kernel Ram Gates Mouse Skywalker my Lightsaber Framework" Thats my favourite, because i have absolutely no idea what it means. I think its encoded.

Who ever said being a systems administrator is a boring job? Well, even if they did, and it were true, i'd just have to be content with Eva Mendes for company...

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