May 31, 2006

X-Men 3 was a waste of RM10

I should have just gone to see some friends and talked crap. It would have been a much better way to spend RM10.


This movie is in no way as good as the previous two. The only things which i liked about the movie:

1. The Phoenix
2. Iceman whooping Pyro's ass.
3. The Juggernaut
4. Kitty

Some of the things in the movie seemed pointless, and out of place. Seemed like certain characters got put in there just for the sake of it. Like Angel. I can think of a million things i could do with his character, but his character didnt do much. Same goes for Rogue. Even Mystique was un-Mystique like. And Mystique seemed fat.

goodness, mystique, you need to shed few pounds.

And the best part of the movie was the ending. Not that the ending was damned great, but because for a movie that was named "The Last Stand", it still leaves open the opportunity to make "The Real Last Stand after the Previous Stand" and save this whole franschise.

The movie tries to shock audiences with some pretty insanely shocking plot twists, like killing 2 major X-Men. I'll give them some points for that, but even so, their deaths looked tame, and rushed. Even the music didnt help. The soundtrack's gotta suck.

The only worthwhile scene featuring Warren Worthingthon

Overall, i'd say the movie tries to do too much, and too fast. Extremely dissapointing. Bryan Singer! Please come back, direct X-Men 4 and save us all! We've had enough of Kryptonians flying around in red underwear!

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