December 29, 2005

25 years of evolution. Here's to another 25 more!

In a few days time, it will be time to bid farewell to another year. The year 2005. Each time the end of the years comes, i keep thinking back to the days when television used to tell us that we will be all travelling in a cushy warp speed flying cars.

More proof that tv is full of crap.

When i look back, i'd have to salute the year 2005. Its been a most traumatic and eventful year for me. Breakups. Deaths. Fights. Tsunami Hysteria. Promotion. New Laptop.

Q. How far i have come in 25 years?
A. Not far lah wei.

Q. What have you accomplished in 25 years?
A. err..i got a job? i took a peek at inner me? No idiot, i didnt look down my pants, i just had a lot of self examination these past 2 years.

Q. Great.
A. Shuddup. Thats not a question you fool.

Q. Where do you want to be in 2 years time?
A. 27 years old.

Q. You think ure pretty smart eh?
A. Fine. I aim to be the best at what i do in 2 years time.

Q. Well you aint gonna get there if you waste all yer time wanking.
A. It relives tension. You should try it. You sound like you need it.

Q. Im you remember.
A. Fucking chapatis

Q. Happy NewYear?
A. Happy New years!! Here's to another 25 more years thats hopefully better than the last!


Bernard Yong said...

Happy new year man! Who knows what the next 25 years have in store :)

::Lord Apprentice:: said...

hehe... yeap. lets make it an awesome 25 years. id hate to be 50 and be miserable. hahaha

happy new year dude!