October 26, 2005

Our Articificial World

Its become almost a norm these days to see a story in the papers, or read an article in a magazine about how this food is bad for you, that food is bad for you , yada yada yada. It seems in our current world, nothing is genuinely safe to eat anymore. You can't even eat another person without biting into something cancerous.

The reason i'm in this pessimistic mood (which i am a lot these days), is because i got an email about how 'sugar free products' are now actually bad for ya. You see, while it is true that these products dont contain any sugar, what they do contain are 'sugar free substitutes'. There's a whole bunch of news articles on Google News.

Apparently, the culprit(sugar free substitute) is something called 'aspartame'. Its believed to be linked to people suffering from Multiple Sclerosis and Lupus. I'm not really sure what these diseases are, but its sounds bad enough not to have it.

Its making me wonder now, what was so bad about sugar in the first place anyway? My first guess, is that people just couldnt control themselves, and put sugar into everything until it started killing them.

So, whats the solution then? Obviously we'll just create a form of artificial sugar to replace real sugar and just keep on taking obscene amounts of it. Its nonsense to even consider taking real sugar in moderation as the solution to our problems...utter nonsense i tell ya.

Whats the harm in adding another artificial additive/flavouring to our food eh? There's already about a million more in there that we've already put in.

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