October 16, 2005

Feel Good Factor

Im feeling groovy baby. The feel good factor has swallowed me whole. Things at work are getting better. Wont be working shifts starting next month if all goes well. I feel more in control of my life than i have ever been. Things are going well for me, apart from the 2 people close to my heart that are in the hospital. Its not all doom and gloom. They are getting better and i know they will.

Got up this morning and realised it was the afternoon. Damned weather is playing tricks on me making me think its still morning. Well, i dont want to damn the weather to much. I very much enjoy this cloudy moody weather. Its giving us Malaysians a much needed break from the SUN.

I tell you, one day out with friends is all anyone needs to get all the bad shit out of the system. Had a great time with friends last night. We didnt do anything particularly outrageous, just the normal stuff. Oh, and Liverpool won 1-0! That actually started the whole feel good factor ball rolling. Was good to see Cisse run over to the bench after scoring and shake the hand of Benitez. Proof that things are great within the team!

Neway, after the game, i decided to take up Gopi's offer to meet up at South Pacific. No no, its not an ocean. South Pacific is excellent chinese restaurant over in PJ Old Town, very nearby to the old PJ State Cinema. Seeing as how Gopi and Sze Tho just came back from their Langkawi trip, there was a bottle of Smirnoff on the table, and another JD hiding in Sze Tho's car. The night just keeps getting better and better.

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Caught grabbing Gopi's boobs.

A few of Gopi's friend from the gym was there, as well as Faiz. It was great meeting new people. We talked a lot of shit, and we laughing so much i think we scared away most of the customers at the tables nearby us. Gopi thought it was strange why our particullar side of the restaurant was empty when just the night before he said it was packed at this exact hour! Hmmm.... Beez joined us later than night too with 2 of his friends.

We had our usual dose of lameass dumbass jokes that night. A few started from a conversation we were having about Pulau Perhentian and a trip we might be going in January.

Gopi: Hey dudes, next year January we're going Perhentian Kecil
Faiz: Perhentian Kecil? Whats that?
Me: Its next to Perhentian Besar.
ALL: (LOL in synchronous fashion)
Gopi: Hahah, that reminds me of that story...the fish that looks like star
ALL: Fish that looks like star?
Bert: I was snorkelling, and saw this fish that looked like star. So i told my friend i saw a fish that looked like star.
Bert's FRIENDS: What is this fish that look like star?
Bert: Starfish lah!
ALL: (LOL x 3)

Shit like this is funnier after a bottle of Smirnoff and JD. Trust me.

A couple of dishes were ordered, and the best was this Udang Kam Heong. Not sure if i got the Kam Heong spelling right, but it was awesome. Something like butter prawns, but more awesome! haha.. must order that shit next time.

We headed to Waikiki after that. It was just walking distance from the restaurant anyway. Place was packed as usual. I was in my bermuda's and 'hangloose hawaii' t-shirt, but i didnt care. They dont have such a strict rule on dressing anyways. Waikiki's is a great place, except that these days there are more men than women there. That sux. I guess all the ladies are in KL. I wonder, after the whole fiasco about road blocks in the papers, are the police still conducting road blocks in KL ? Hmmm...

Had another JD there. Finished in record time too. Hahah. Probably because we started talking to this other group of people and didnt notice how much we were drinking.

It started like this.I was feeling adventerous and was thinking of talking to the only girl in their group. Gopi, being the ever fearless man he is, heard about my little plan and walked straight over and chatted them up. Bastard! hahah! He was probably doing me a favour anyway, making it easier for me to come over and talk. He practically did all the hard work anyway. Haha.. men should work in pairs when it comes to tackling the opposite sex. Its more effective. Ladies be warned.

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Geez Beez, do i look scarier than thou?

Anyway, as it turned out, they were a really friendly bunch. One of the dudes apparently plays in Waikiki's on Monday nights. Albert Sirimal or something. I wouldnt know off course..i mean i may be a self confessed drunkard, but on Monday nights? Shites...thats just not right. One of the reasons i lost interest in the girl was because of the other dudes was this sportscaster from Traxx FM! Mr. Radakrishnan! (No no you faggot, im not gay, so dispel that notion and continue reading).No wonder his voice was so familliar. Well, being the sports fan that i am, we started talking about sports, especially the state of the local scene here in Malaysia.

He had a good point about the success of Nicol David and Ong Beng Hee. These are 2 sports people that came from OUTSIDE the system. The started out on their own. Compared to the sports people, within the system, that have been giving massive amounts of cash and houses and cars, and you can see why the system just sux.

Ended the night at Pj Hills, a mamak restaurant nearby University Hospital. I was already extremely dizzy at that point. I just ate my food, finished my drink, had a fag, and went into my car to sleep. I knew i was in no condition to either stay awake or drive or a combination of the above. I've had a bad accident in the past because of this, and i have no intention of ever repeating that.

As it turned out, i didnt have to drive home. Beez drove my car while Gopi followed from the back, and drove me home. Good friends. I wonder if they argued as they usually do on their way back to Sri Muda. Those two i tell ya, always arguing with each other. I guess when you know someone for 15 years++, its kinda like being married to each other.

Everyone should listen to Queens Of The Stone Age - Songs for the Deaf. Just got the album, and its blady marvellous. Its inspiring me to start learning the drums. Dave Grohl's drumming was awesome. Get into your car at 2am in the morning. Start driving. Put this album in the CD player. Pump up the music real loud. You wont want to ever come back home. Occasionally, wind down the windows and smoke a fag. You'll wish your car wont ever run out of fuel.

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