September 04, 2005

In need of a compass

Been awhile since i've posted anything. Been strangely uninspired and unmotivated to post anything. Well, perhaps not so strange. I get bored of things pretty quick. Sometimes i wonder if i'm coming down with some fucked up mental disease like Alzheimers or Parkinsons thats making me lazy and stupid. i should read more.

Its funny how you only appreciate things that you've taken for granted once its gone. I wished i appreciated my schooling life more. Sounds awfully familliar regret didnt it. Theres a fine line to everything i guess.

My phone is officially but temporarily fucked. It keeps flashing on and off and on and off until the battery goes dead. Handphone shop dude wasnt much help. Said i gotta take it back to the dealer i bought it from. Shite. The only problem is i bought the phone from a friend who bought the phone from a shop in Mines. I feel lazy already.....

1 comment:

sangy said...

No wonder la!! That'll explain why you didnt answer...