September 22, 2005

Autobots! ROLL OUT!

A couple weeks back, my bro posted something that really got me tingling all over. A live action Transformers movie is in production! If you were an 80's kid like me, then i suspect u know exactly how i feel.

Growing up during times of kick ass cartoons lke Transformers, Voltron and Thundercats, it was truly the golden age of cartoons. Cartoons these days dont really catch the imagination as it used to do.

Anyway, the movie is scheduled to be released in 2 years time... 07.04.07. Dont forget that number..747. Tattoo it on your forehead or ass if you have too. Im not sure what the significance of the number is, but i know everytime i see a Boeing 747 anywhere, i will imagine it suddenly transforming into a humongous robot and start talking to me.

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i hope the graphics are better than this

You know whats ironic, the original cartoon that was released in 1986, was set in the future year of 2005!

The production crew for the movie looks very stellar so far indeed
  • Director - Michael Bay
  • S. Spielberg - Executive Producer

Here are some sites to keep yerself updated with the world of Transformers:
For some strange reason, i think Tom Cruise will be in this movie. Hmm.

Other than this movie though, i hear Voltron is in production too, but not much news about that. But the cartoon that i really wish they would make into a movie is Robotech/Macros!! After watching the amazing special effects in Stealth, i think that day is getting nearer.

Well, im off go play with my Transformer toys.... I WISH.

Damnit, my mum threw it away a long time ago! argh!!! So what if im 25 years old, I dont care if i look silly running around with my Dinobot transformer in my hand making laser and crashing noises. Its fun damnit. I just wanna play....*sniff sniff*

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