June 18, 2005

Like a leaf i am being swept across life. New fears are faced, new feelings are experienced. There is no certainty in life. Freedom can be bitch sometimes. The choices we make have have a funny way of slamming right into our faces in the form of the consequences of those choices.

Nothing to do but face it. "why worry", a preacher man said, "just trust that HE knows whats best for you". Wise words preacher man, wise words.

Cant have 2 pies at the same time. Could only chose one. Thats the simplistic version of choice, my choice. Perhaps one day the pie i can now never have will one day just fall in my lap, but i doubt it. Consequences. Live and learn Nimal, live and learn.

And so, i come to realise that my choices are the ones sweeping me across life, not some unseen force. It is so much easier to blame our woes and our problems on missing the train of destiny, or just someone else.

"You are where you are right now in your life because of choices and decisions you have made in your life" . How nice it would be if i had the wisdom to know what are the best choices.

I hope i never live to regret that choice. Right now, it just hurts, but the best part, is that i never thought it would hurt this much. Consequences......

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