May 08, 2005

Take back the Penis!

Women, i urge open-minded ness to some of the things i'm about to say. Men, gimme a high five and a hell yeah, or you can curse me with a thousand Arabic curses if you dont agree.

The feminization of Men

We men are becoming more and more FEMINIZED. Yes, thats right, we've been turned into penis wielding women (err...i dont mean transexuals..thats just nasty and so not right). Ok, am i confusing you? I'll bet. Let me whip it out for you then....

We live in a world where it is getting harder and harder just to be a man. Our zones, or lines of what we know to be 'man-ly' (i cant find a better word to replace man-ly), has been re-written before our very eyes. Its come to the point where Women are good, and Men are bad.

We're now expected to be sensitive, just like a girlfriend. We are expected to communicate, just like a girlfriend. We must have relationship skills and a open to expressing emotions.

But they want it both ways as well! We are also expected to work hard, pay the bills, take care of them, slog all day. Generally, they want "real men" in that sense. The result = metrosexuals. These are guys who are comfortable as having a manicure as working to pay the bills.

Read the rest of this pro-masculinity article here.


Anonymous said...

Wow wow lets take a breather here, first thing don't go generalising all women within that category of wanting it both ways !!! ,,,Be specific :-p Ha Ha Ha

Just because men no longer have the archaic position of being absolutely in control over EVERYTHING....they now cry that they are being Feminised !!! What about the fact that women have been oppressed, harrased, abused and the like.

Would anyone then explain why before the onset of Feminism did men have a higher education and literacy levels than women ?? SImply because they were the numero uno and made all decisions back then.

Now lets look at this in the modern context, men and women work, and both work equally hard mind you, except that the woman sometimes takes a step back from her career if kids come into the picture (Which women should be willing to do...Thats what i'd do anyway)That is a fact that men should appreciate, but honestly they dont't, they think that its easier to work 9-5 then stay at home !!! Whole load of BULL !!

Plus the fact that men are still penis wielding, is all that really matters rite !! Hehe....

But I think sensitivity is an issue that clashes very strongly with the male EGO !!! Thats the problem ! Hell, women don't want sensitive men, women don't want their sympathy either. But it wouldn't be hard to be more UNDERSTANDING...rite ?? All that means is that you give in a lil bit more, that should't be too hard. Or is it ?

The writer of that article got alot of things wrong, no girl wants a guy to be like a girlfriend !! What rubbish, hey there's a reason we date men ya !! But honestly if ure entering a relationship where both parties are more or less on equal footing then you've got to have relationship skills cant be bulldozing all around rite ??

This is where is don't understand men on one hand, you want a modern independent woman but on the other you want to have your way all the time !! That so doesn't jazz ok.

But i guess at the end of the day, we've all got to live together, because the fact is we can't live without each other(I meant Men and Women).Haha. I mean that wielding penis needs somewhere to go rite ?? Where the light don't shine !! ....You need us :-)

::Lord Apprentice:: said...

aiyoh...u need to learn some summarization skills.

ok, firstly, where's the fun in being specific, u know what i mean, seeing as though your comment is full of generalizations as well.

anyway, u have a lot of valid points here, except... what has "women have been oppressed, harrased, abused and the like" got to do with this current topic? i'm not saying its right, just dont c the point of that statement.

personally, i think a LOT of men will appreciate any woman who would be willing to sacrifice career for family. I know i would. We know how difficult it would be to give up a career.

I think in general, the author is simply trying to make a simple point. That sometimes men are expected to be much more than they are.

Sometimes, being understanding doesnt come that naturally to us as it would to you. It may seem rather silly that a simple thing as being understanding would seem so hard, but really, sometimes it is.

Men and women tick differetly.

A man doesnt need to flip maps around to figure out where he is. A woman in general does. This is a scientific fact, as men have more "imaginary" (if you could call it that, i forgot the actual term) skills than women.

Also, men suck at multi-tasking. We cant put on make up and drive the car at the same time. Women can. Its a scientific fact. Women are natural multi-taskers, way before Windows 98.

And ure right, in the end of the day, WE ALL HAVE TO LIVE TOGETHER. A little understanding at our lack of understanding skills will go a long way, as will our effort to be a little bit more understanding towards our goddesses.

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha...the length is cos im rotting on a sunday morning.
But simply fact that it takes two hands to clap...
Peace :-)